Monday, June 18, 2007


During our first week in Florence, it seemed that all the clubs and bars we had gone to at night were the same thing you would find in America. The boys even went around asking directions by saying, "Yes, the American club, with lots of Americans." And I just thought something about that was wrong. I'm in Italy, and I am looking for an American club? What? So me and the girls decided that we needed to find the Italian hot spots and see how they do it in Florence. To our surprise, we found a place right around the corner!! We were extremely stressed out one night after the electrician had torn our apartment into peices so we went out for a few drinks and found this place Apiertivos. We had no clue how the place worked, so the waitress explained to us that as long as you order one drink, you get a free taste of sushi and you get to eat as much of whatever is out on the bar as you want. "FREE?" I thought to myself. Um, hell yeah! The drinks were 8 euro each and were so good. 2 euro less than the awful drinks we had paid for the night before at a club we went to. On the bar you could get anything from bar nuts to vegetables to bruschetta and deli meat. The woman even brought us out free samples of pastas. And all only for 8 euro? Amazing! Another one of the best parts about the bar was that everyone there was Italian! It seemed like a place that they came to hang out after work and see friends. Everyone in the bar appeared to know each other, and for those they didn't know, they were more than willing to get to know and become friends with. We met the PR guy for the club we had been to the night before and the conversation with him was hysterical, as he told us about his impressions of the women that visit Italy and the American government. Each time we have been there since, he had been there and has come over and struck up conversation with us. The bartender and waitress also remembered us and were very talkative and friendly. It was so nice to experience an Italian bar, seeing as how we are in Italy and everything.

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